Saturday, August 9, 2008

8 August 2008 - 8.08pm - China Olympic

Friday evening again. Supposed to be a cell group gathering at our cell leader's place. With an impromptu decision, we have changed it into yet another enjoyable evening - watching the once-in-a-four-years Olympic Opening Ceremony hosted by China.

The array of colours from costumes & flags of various countries; and the many symbols of art displayed in dances, lightings & fireworks - all so stunning & captivating. Parades by contingents from 205 countries. Everybody so high-spirited, carefreely walking pass & waving to the spectators; all supportively cheering on. Many members of every contingent were holding cameras & video cameras capturing moments of happiness around them. Some were even talking into their mobile phones while parading around the stadium! Truly carefree & unrestricted in such a formal occasion.

A long awaited dream-come-true celebration of the chinese people in the Mainland, happening on 8 August 2008, at 8.08pm & co-incidentally also on the 8th day of the lunar calendar.
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