Friday, September 25, 2009

Cell Gathering on Anglican Diocese of Singapore Centenary

Praise the Lord! On 21 Sept 2009 we celebrated 100th years of God's goodness & glory at St Andrew's Cathedral.

It was a day of fun in the name of our loving God. Members came together to set up food & game stores. St James' Church set up a Dunking game store & also a food store selling fried tom yam beehoon, lots of cakes & cookies.

Annie Court's youngest sister & her husband have graciously invited our cell group members to their house for dinner on that day to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa. The spread of home cooked nasi bryani & spicy dishes accompanied with pickled vegetables were yummy. Hmmm... simply appetizing. The various homemade desserts were also heavenly... The durian cake, kaya kueh, kueh lapis, apple pies & open-faced pineapple tarts were 1st class. How I wish I can have such gift of culinary skill.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Online Trading

Lately, I have not been writing. Not that I have nothing to say. In fact, I have many things on my mind but just that I am quite reluctant to pen them before I am able to sort them out properly.

The recent volatility in the stock market has been something for me. It has kept me rather busy away from my blogging. Of course, the good thing is I am making money. The time I have spent to study the market, reading up more widely, keeping in touch with trading friends & monitoring my portfolio has been fruitful.

These days, online trading is becoming an in-thing. I guess it is due to the increase convenience of IT & that more people are either out of their jobs because of company restructurings or because they are able to make more income from trading than keeping a full-time day job & thus decide to give up their salaried job.

Anyway, the point I want to make here is if you choose to trade it will be advisable to adopt a trading strategy. You can pick it up either by attending a course or learn it online by yourself or read up from books. Never trade by merely following instinct or just because some people tell you to buy or sell a certain stock.

Remember, at the end of the day, you are investing your hard earned money or savings so you are the one solely responsible for your own decision. Whether be it a right or wrong decision.
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