Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CNY Visitation - 27.01.09

This is another important time of the year. Hosting of our CNY getogether on a rotation basis. This time round, the grand occasion is being held at my dear 3rd uncle's (John) place.
It's heartening to see all my paternal uncles and aunties coming together on this very joyous day. And for the cousins who have turned up, this is indeed a good time to rekindle our kinsmanship. I look forward to seeing more cousins with their partners and families attending the next big family event and gathering.
In such time of bonding, surely good food and laughter will not be lacking ...

CNY Visitation - 26.01.09

It's our once-in-a-year grand traditional family event again - Lunar New Year gathering at my maternal 3rd uncle's home.
As usual, my uncle and his family will warmly welcome all their extended family members to their place for this ever important yearly "getogether". My uncle's wife will also prepare her many yummy specialities. Besides, her long time favourite Lohan Chai (a mixed vegetables vegetarian dish) and Fried Beehoon; this year she has also prepared a very exquisite dish -Vegetarian Mutton Curry. Hahaha . . . go ask her for the recipe if you want to. It's simply marvelous.
Other than those yummy food I just mentioned, I must not forget to say there is this maternal youngest (4th) uncle and wife team who can prepare very fantastic Thai cuisine. This time, they have also brought along their specialities, namely the Tom Yum Soup and Thai Transparent Seafood Vermicelli. Oh . . . they were simply unbeatable. Superb! My family, especially my girl, will always look forward to her Seafood Tom Yum Soup.
To top them all up, my dear 3rd uncle's wife has even prepared the complicated "Lo Hei Yu Sheng" the vegetarian way. Surely, everyone will appreciate the time and effort she has to put in in order for us to stir up a "storm of fun".
Well, you will know what I mean if you see the pictures below. Enjoy ...
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