Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Unknown New Plants

I have just added four new plants in my garden. Two of them were planted from bulb, one with a little shoot already growing from it; and another from a root about one month ago. One more from seeds was added a week ago after my friendly neighbour noticed I ran out of container & gave me a medium size one to put them in.
My better-half bought the root, bulbs & seeds from Medan, Indonesia during his recent business trip there. He does not know their names but only told me they are very beautiful when in full blooms. Fortunately, he has taken some pictures of them in their gardens. I shall check it up with my gardening friends for their names.
PhotobucketThis is the actual height of the plant when it was brought back to me. Only a new leaf has grown from within after about two weeks.
The root you see below looks much like a blue ginger. It came without any baby shoots on it. Very quickly after a few days, baby shoots started to sprout. Photobucket
This is a rather huge bulb. Can you see the little sharp blade-like leave sprouting from the soil? It wasn't there three weeks ago! While the rest of my new plants have shown some sign of growth during the early stage of planting, this container just did not produce any sign of progress. I thought it was the end of it. Just a few days ago, my husband & I were so exhilarated - it showed the first sign of growth! That is indeed a long wait for that little sprout to protrude out of the soil and we did not expect it to be appearing so far away from the bulb! For a moment, we thought it was just a piece of fallen leaf from somewhere & wanted to pick it up to discard it. Photobucket
In fact, there is another plant I have not posted its picture here because it is still being buried in the soil. The seeds are still in their pods & I have to bury the whole thing into the soil. If I were to post it now, it will be just the container with only soil & no plant in it that I am showing you. So just have to wait a while more ...
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