Friday, August 15, 2008

Looking & Feeling Good From Inside Out

That was my 3rd visit at the slimming centre. No, not because I am fat (ha, ha, ha .... at least that's what I think) but because I am having some stubborn fats that refuse to go away even though I have been faithfully going to the gym. So... need the consultant to put me in a programme to help me shed off those stubborn fats.

To my surprise, body detoxification, especially the lymphatic canal is crucial if anyone is looking at a slimming programme package. Of course, along the way, we must also co-operate with the consultant on their meal plan advice. Actually, it's quite a torture telling myself to co-operate with them. Why? Because my hubby & I love good food. We are that sort of fellows who will make it a point to try out any good recommendations that appear in news articles or if recommended by friends.

Don't mistaken, I am not asking for the perfect super model figure. I will be just as contented to be slightly slender, toned up; and looking & feeling healthy from inside out.

Not asking for too much, right?
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