It's party time!
Nearly a hundred of us, members of Green Culture came together for a fun-filled evening at Green Baron's place on the 23rd of May. He has so graciously booked his condo function room to host this memorable event for all of us. Another person whom we have to thank is Ah Kee. She has offered herself voluntarily to co-ordinate & organize this grand event. Mind you, not an easy task! Ah Kee has really done us a big favour.
It was my first time meeting so many member gardeners from the Green Culture since becoming a member last year. I have learned from many experienced gardeners the know-how of growing both ornamental plants & also the edibles. Meeting & getting to know the members in person has indeed reinforced our friendship & trust when chatting with them via the online forum.
Members brought their plants, seeds & cuttings to do their exchanges with fellow members. Many of them were just very generous & gave away what they have brought along with them to the function. I was very fortunate to have received many interesting plants. I have now added mint, thai basil, cat whiskers, periwinkles, dill, cactus, coleus (painted nettle), cockscomb, fancy leaf caladium, syngonium (pink green) balsam & even a dragon's tongue (if I am correct with the name) to my collection.
Green Baron has also let us toured his condo compound & introduced to us many different plants & fruit trees along the way before we went up to visit his balcony garden in his house. All his plants & collections are enough to prove to his visitors what a seasoned gardener he is. I am utterly impressed!
Plants was of course the star of the evening. However, Green Culture members are also fine food lovers; so needless to say, there was that spread of yummy food to pamper everyone's taste palate. In fact, many of them contributed their home-cooked specialities.
So can you imagine; with all the fine food, interesting topics of plants & exchanges topping up with great companies, can anyone tell me who will not be looking forward to our next gathering?
By the way, our next gathering will be the 5th anniversary celebration of Green Culture in four months' time.
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